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THAGC Update

2018 THAGC Schedule
The 2018 Schedule is online with events in both Pleasant Hill and in Ennice.   The schedule is located here.  Given the great venues and the nationals prep I doubt that we will have any THAGC matches in Raleigh this year.  However, if there is interest I could host a fun shoot on an open Saturday if I could get help setting up the targets.  We will just see how things develop.We have attempted to coordinate this with the CCGC schedule which is generally the fourth Saturday of the month except that in September Gerald will host on the 5th Saturday in Burlington.  Thanks Gerald for switching off on that Saturday with us.  Remember there is a shoot at CCGC this Saturday.

THAGC Registration
2018 registration is open.  The link is here.   Once you register you will get the code for the discount on the THAGC regular matches.

Remember that if you are a registered member and commit to assist with the nationals you will receive a discount off nationals registration.   There has already been one work day so far and tremendous progress was made.  Volunteer opportunities at the


The unlimited hunter proposal did not pass in AAFTA.  It was quite controversial and the 2/3 affirmative vote of the clubs was not reached.    If you wish to shoot unlimited in club events it will be available if interest is there but we will likely combine with open at the discretion of the match director.

You are encouraged to join the THAGC Facebook page.  That is a great place to talk with friends about FT and airguns and is an easy format once you get used to it.

You are encouraged to check the site, most new news will be on the front page.  I will also continue sending these emails in an effort to keep people in the loop.

Thanks and hope to see you soon,

Scott Allen