Match Report
December, ’22
December 10, 2022
Where: Pleasant Hill, NC
Courses: Woods Course, 15 lanes
Troyer: 35.9
Conditions: Overcast, 40-50 F
Wind: 2-3 MPH with lulls

January 8, 2022
Where: Pleasant Hill, NC
Courses: Woods, 15 lanes
Troyer: 35.9
Conditions: Overcast, 40-50 F
Wind: 2-3 MPH with lulls

This was the last match of the 2022 season! Not a bad day to be on the links, either.
Three of us prepped the lanes in 20 minutes starting at 10 am. During a brief sight-in ForrestT showed up.
Forrest is a first time shooter. He showed up with an HW50S in .22 with an SWFA fixed 10X scopeon it, a tin of H&N FTT, and a hoodie. We scrounged up some sitcks and a milk crate for him to use in Hunter Piston. He told us he didn’t know anything about FT, but decided on a spur of the moment to come opt and see what’s up. I love that attitude, very refreshing. I thought it realistic that he’d get 10-15 points.
Forrest took a few shots on the sight in (maybe 10) and turned and asked us if WE were ready, so we headed to the lanes.
The wind was light but predictably unpredictable. Most of the foliage has fallen from the trees so the wind shooting was a bit trickier than we’re normally used to seeing. It was “hoodie temps”, but not unpleasant.
We were all shooting sub-12. Me with my Thomas(Kahles 1050i FT) and the other three guys with spring guns. Forrest was the power at 12 fpe. Josh shooting his 97 (Hawk 12X) at 10.5 and Roel shooting his Pro Sport (UTG 4-16) at 10.
I got to say that Josh and Roel are turing out to be fierce competitors that love a challenge. Ro ( Roel) is making a tough course harder by learning the 10 fpe wind game and Josh isn’t pushing his gun much harher and he’s using a 12x scope. They both are in their element when forced to adapt on a course.
Forrest shocked us with by shootin 25/60. That with an out of the box 12 fpe .22 springer ( and let me repeat, Troyer just under 36) and a 10X scope. Looking at his scope card he got pleanty of the long shots.
Our courses at Twin Cities are expert level, designed so that the top shooters can improve their game. That didn’t seem to faze Forrest. He has a shooting background as an owner of 6.5 Creed and a .308. It’s enjoyable for everyone to be around people with an attitude toward learning and improvement. We hope to see him again.
I shot a WFTF PCP 52. Ro shot a 43, his highest 10 fpe score so far. Josh shot a 39 as he figured out his dope on the lanes.
We’re rebuilding the club after the pandemic. If you’re out there thinking you might want to try Field Target, the best way to do it is to follow Forrest’s example and just show up with what ya got. We’ll bend the rules for ya ( our only conceern is safe gun handling). We give you a card with the =target ranges on it or you can bring a rangefinder. Remember, we also have a loaner rifle>
If you’re one of the better shooters please keep us in mind. I believe we have a unique set of courses that can definitiely help you tune your game.
Best Regards and Merry Christmas to all!!