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THAGC Match, October 8,2022

The Tar Heel Airgun Club will hold a club match on Saturday, October 8, 2022.

Address: Twin Cities Rifle Club, 734 Jack Swamp Rd. Pleasant Hill, NC 27866.  If it’s your first time coming to the club please follow the directions located here. Lodging information can also be found in the previous link.

Expect to shoot a 15 lane, 60 shot AAFTA match.

Sight-In Starts: 8:00am, Match at 9:30 am.

Match fees: $10 for THAGC members, $15 for non-members.  Cash: Please bring exact change to the match. Paypal: using “Send as a Gift”

Loaner rifle available, please email in advance to coordinate.


See You There


Got a question? Ask us here.

4 + 5 =

THAGC Match, August 13, 2022

The Tar Heel Airgun Club will hold a club match on Saturday, July 9, 2021.

Address: Twin Cities Rifle Club, 734 Jack Swamp Rd. Pleasant Hill, NC 27866.  If it’s your first time coming to the club please follow the directions located here. Lodging information can also be found in the previous link.

Expect to shoot a 15 lane, 60 shot AAFTA match.

Sight-In Starts: 8:00am, Match at 9:30 am.

Match fees: $10 for THAGC members, $15 for non-members.  Cash: Please bring exact change to the match. Paypal: using “Send as a Gift”

Loaner rifle available, please email in advance to coordinate.

We’ll need to see five signups by 7am Thursday morning, August 11 for the match to go forward. Check the webpage shooters list for verification of headcount.

See You There


Got a question? Ask us here.

15 + 6 =

Dec 4, 2021 Match Report

Twin Cities Rifle Club

Pleasant Hill, NC

ChrisC, the real match director, returned  today after an extended absense to get a shoulder replacement. He wasted no time complaining that the sight-in range was a mess, and where are the pens I left here 6 months ago, and is this the release form from the clubhouse ( you dumbass), and there’s no ladder at target 7, and I’m NOT turning this into a job today, & DID YOU MOVE TARGET 12?

Jeeze…………… but it was REALLY great having him back! Welcome home, brother.

We set up both the gas line and the woods course for this event. It was a one shot per target, 28 lane, 56 shot match utilizing both the open, or Gas Line Course shown to the right and the woods course. Many of you may remember them from the 2021 Carolina Classic Grand PrixWe had worthwhile wind(up to 4 mph, switching direction) to keep us on our toes and the weather was great. Mostly sunny with a high in the low 70’s.

We got a late start ( about 10:45 am) due to fouling spray paint nozzles that slowed Chris & I down from getting the targets prepped. Two man squads were used without timers and we finished the match around 3 pm. We shot the open course followed by the woods with a break in between.


PaulP Open 49/56 Thomas Rifle March 8-80 FX 10.34
“Madd” MattS WFTF 47/56 Walther LG 400 March 8-80 JSB 8.4
KeithK WFTF 42/56 Thomas Rifle Leupold 40 Comp AA 8.4
ChrisC WFTF 37/56 Steyr Challenge March 8-80 JSB 8.4
PhilipH Hunter PCP 48/56 Daystate Red Wolf UTG 4-16×56 JSB 13.4
DavidD Hunter PCP 24/56 Marauder UTG JSB 13.4
JoshW Hunter Piston 37/56 HW97 12X Hamke AA 10.34
RoelJ Hunter Piston 18/56 LGV UTG Crosman 7.9


         Both Roel (front, waving) & Josh ( background) were shooting Hunter piston at 10.5 FPE. Ro tried it for the first time today & swore if off. Josh as been doing it that way for some time.

          MattS (right) with his Walther LG400 and 8-80 March. Matt is coming on stong as a realtively new FT shooter.

          Since the first Saturday of 2022 is January 1, we’ll probably hold the January match on the second weekend. We plan to shoot another Euro style match and may fire up the grill between courses.


Merry Christmas to All




THAGC Match Report. June 13,2020, Pleasant Hill, NC

The Tar Heel Airgun Club held it’s second match at the Twin Cities Rifle & Pistol Club in Pleasant Hill, NC last Saturday. Eight shooters showed up to enjoy the unusually cool weather for a mid-June day. The match was organized around the two course Chris, Jimmy, and I set up for the 2020 Carolina Classic that was cancelled due to the virus. We left the targets in place and re-mowed and prepped the courses for this match. Both courses were set up a little over 30 Troyer with 13 lanes each, including a kneeling and standing lane. This match was organized as a 52 shot match shooting just one shot per target over the 26 lanes of both the open and wooded course.

The two photos below are a couple shots of the sight in range.

In preparation for the June heat we came up with the idea to use the Gas Line (Open) course first. We could take advantage of the morning shade offereed by the treeline, then move into the woods course when the sun came up. In order to do the Social Distance thing we shot in one person squads, making this a fast moving match. Scores were tallied on the honor system.

You’ll fid below a pictures of the Gas Line course right after prep and with shooters in place. We had enough wind (est 2-6 mph) to make this relatively easy course a decent challenge. (Note the aforementioned shade available, unlike the course setup used for the 2018 Nationals.)

For safety reasons we gathered on the Gas Line course for a short break until everyone was completed. This insured that no one shooting on the woods course might accidentally send a round onto the Gas Line Course. 

Once we finished our break, we headed to the woods course pictured below.

The scores were as follows:

GeraldL         WFTF     Thomas Rifle                     Leupold 35X                     45/52
KeithK           WFTF     Steyr LG 110                      Leu0old 40X                    45/52
PhilipH         Hunter    Daystate Red Wolf.          UTG 4-15×56                    44/52
LindaH         Hunter    Diana Skyhawk                 UTG Accushot 4-16         41/52
ChrisC           WFTF     Steyr Challenge                 March 8-80                      41/52
PaulP            Open        Thomas Rifle                     March 8-80                      35/52
CurtH.          WFTF      Steyr Challenge                 Sightron 10-50                 32/52
JimmyW      WFTF      Steyr Challenge                 Leupold 40X                     21/52

Limited THAGC Match 5/9/20

The Tar Heel Airgun Club will hold a provisional match this Saturday at the Twin Cities Rifle and Pistol Club in PLeasant Hill, NC. The match is provisional because it’ll be cancelled if there is no interest. Click the link below for registration. The address is:

734 Jack Swamp Rd.
Pleasant Hill, NC 27866

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2020 Registration and Roster

It’s time to join or renew your membership in the  the Tar Heel Airgun Club. Dues are $25 per year.

We’re still working a few kinks out of the website, so please plan to pay by check or

Paypal to Chris Corey using

Please note that the registration docs will only indicate a payment by check option, but Paypal will be accepted.

You may use the link in the header to view the roster.


Click Here to Register!







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