Contact us if you have any questions or concerns.
Dear Competitors:
Each competitor is expected to know the AAFTA rules. The handbook is available at www.aafta.org and from a link on the THAGC nationals web page.
The notes below are meant to explain and prepare you for the Carolina Classic and provide a level playing field for all competitors.
Tar Heel Air Gun Club wants you to have a memorable and enjoyable nationals experience.
Chris Corey – rifle match MD
Paul Porch – pistol match MD
Best regards,
Pistol Match
Do not put away your pistol and gear until shoot offs are announced.
Shoot offs will occur as soon after the pistol match as possible.
Pistol Awards will be on Sunday.
Rifle Course Layout and targets; electronic rangefinders:
Targets shall be numbered and shot in order.
There will be a mix of open and wooded lanes.
There will be targets placed in trees.
Standing and kneeling lanes will be marked on the course:
THAGC will provide any offhand stands or stands for ranging or resting your gun.
Shooters may not bring their own off-hand stands onto the course but you may use them in the sight-in area.
Electronic rangefinders:
Not allowed on the course of fire either before or during the match and may not be used for any reason on or around the lanes.
They may be used on the sight-in range but may not be used there to range any target used for a shoot-off.
Only marshals and the match director may go onto the lanes beyond the shooting box.
Use of Timers
Use of timers is mandatory for all competitors.Timers will be provided on each lane and must be used per the AAFTA Rules; if you are not used to shooting with timers please familiarize yourself with the rules.
Concessions Requests:
Per the AAFTA rules, any concession requests regarding handicap or equipment should be delivered to the match director a minimum of 24 hours prior to match commencement.
I may be reached via email at klaw91615@gmail.com and we prefer any such requests via email time stamped no later than as required by the rule.
Mandatory Shooters Meeting – MD Notes/Outline
Welcome comments and recognition of certain individuals.
There will be a two rifle courses. Each course has 15 lanes. 30 lanes total.
No shooter or squad is to skip ahead of another squad.
Some shooters may start at the chronograph station or break station..
Targets will be shot in numbered order. Two shots per target. If a shot is made and the target does not fall the card shall be marked with an “O”. If a shooter knocks down a target his or her score card for the relevant shot will me marked with an “X.” if a shooter shoots a shot out of order it shall be cored as a miss even if it results in a knock down.
A shooter may announce their intention to discharge the gun into the ground without penalty of a miss.
Eye protection is required.
The only time a rifle is to be loaded is when you are at the firing line in the process of getting ready to shoot. You should load with the barrel over the shooting line.
Remember as well, when the shot is made the end of the barrel is over the line and the trigger guard is behind the line.
In your group the order of shooting shall be Hunter, WFTF, and Open. where the groups are mixed.
Because of the proportions, some groups will have more than one shooter from a division.
You may agree in your squad who operates the timer and the method of the resetting of targets. Some of the targets could be in dark locations. Please observe those carefully to make sure there is agreement that there is a knock down.
Before your squad leaves a lane, make sure all targets are reset in the upright position.
Identify and introduce course marshals.
Explain procedure for calling cold lanes or section.
Bathroom locations and air refill stations.
It is of critical importance that if you need to fire a shot off because you call it or there is a cold lane called, that you discharge the pellet into the ground.
If you see a shooter doing something you believe is unsafe say something. I would rather deal with hurt feelings than a physical injury.
Rule clarifications (if any).
Time limits: 1 minute setup. 2 minutes per target. Explain what counts as a shot. Timer operation. Review pages 18 and 19 of rules.
Sportsmanship. Respect your fellow shooters and their needs for quiet concentration. Follow the golden rule. There is enough room so that when going between lanes you can give those shooting a wide birth.
Your first responsibility at the end of the match is to review and sign your scorecard with one of your shooting partners and ensure that it is turned in.